Sisters of Charity of Australia
Sisters of Charity of Australia are women religious who have been serving the people of Australia since 1838.
We are located in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania, and at times we minister overseas in response to particular needs.
Within the mission of the Catholic Church, we are committed especially to service of the poor and disadvantaged, and have a commitment to social justice and to the environment.
On several occasions we have responded to invitations to serve in overseas mission for shorter or longer periods. When a new need is perceived, we endeavour to respond, making ourselves useful and constantly seeking creative ways to help those in need. To many people the Sisters of Charity provide a beacon of hope in times of uncertainty.
Our mission in today’s world draws strength from a spirituality based on the Christian scriptures and an Ignatian tradition and that of our Congregation, dating back to our founder, Mary Aikenhead.
Our Congregational charism is “to bring to each person the love, the tenderness and concern of Christ for the poor, seeing Christ in everyone we serve”. (Constitutions: Religious Sisters of Charity of Australia.)
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Sisters of Charity of Ireland
We are a congregation of religious women, founded in Ireland in 1815 by Mary Aikenhead. As well as taking vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience, we have, since the beginning, taken a fourth vow – ‘Service of the Poor’. We are women of faith who have been called by God to proclaim the good news in our time with passion and enthusiasm. We believe, that as we follow in the footsteps of Mary Aikenhead today that the love of Christ continues to urge us on.
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